Monday, February 8, 2016

welcome to my page!

Welcome! My name is Matt. I am a 16 year old born and raised in Los Angeles, the most culturally diverse city on the west coast and the "mecca" of all things pop. Since I was 8 years old, my love of music has inspired me to to play different instruments and explore the different styles of music. Over the past year, I have fallen in love with the bass guitar: its tonal flexibility, steep learning curve, and musical implications make it so much fun to play, and amazing to hear. Through my blog, I hope to show others how powerful different bass players are in their arts, and how musically adept they are. Each post will feature a different artist, the bass of their choice, their setup, the music they play, along with tidbits of information on them, and a deep analysis of their playing style. I hope that I can shed some light on the different genres of music that are available, and consequently, broaden the average person's musical taste. I have noticed over the years that mainstream music are almost all carbon copies of each other, just in different keys and different beats per minute. Because there are many different bass players, each with their own individual technique, I will go in depth and explore their specific talents. Stay tuned for more coming soon.

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